

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2023-06-05 17:03:37 浏览次数: 【字体:


Caregiver team members

 1 黄东,女,汉族,中共党员,教授,曾任英国上市公司官网365食品与生物工程系主任,现任英国上市公司官网365医药健康学院院长,发表论文11篇,主持及参与科研项目10项,参与专利3项。

Huang Dong, female, Han nationality, a member of the Communist Party of China, is a professor. She previously served as the Director of the Department of Food and Biotechnology at Guangxi Vocational & Technical Institute of Industry, and currently serves as the Dean of the School of Medicine & Health at Guangxi Vocational & Technical Institute of Industry. She has published 11 papers, led and participated in 10 scientific research projects, and participated in 3 patents.

 2 潘勤春,高级工程师,硕士研究生,老年保健与管理及智慧健康养老服务与管理专业负责人。带领团队,指导学生参加广西职业院校技能大赛获得《健康与社会照护》赛项高职组三等奖7项,《养老服务技能》赛项高职组二等奖2项,三等奖2项。具有八年企业生产和研发实践经验,被评为广西北部湾经济区优秀中青年专业技术人才,主持市厅级科研项目2项,作为主要完成人或者核心骨干参与10余个省市级科研项目的研究及验收,获得国家发明专利授权3个。

Pan Qinchun, senior engineer, master's student, and professional leader in elderly care and management, as well as smart health and elderly care services and management. Led a team and guided students to participate in the Guangxi Vocational College Skills Competition, winning 7 third prizes in the vocational group of the "Health and Social Care" competition, 2 second prizes in the vocational group of the "Elderly Care Service Skills" competition, and 2 third prizes. With eight years of practical experience in enterprise production and research and development, awarded as an outstanding young and middle-aged professional technical talent in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, presided over two municipal level scientific research projects, participated in the research and acceptance of more than 10 provincial and municipal level scientific research projects as the main completion person or core backbone, and obtained three national invention patent authorizations.

 3 刘昶,医药健康学院副院长,法学研究生,讲师,分管学院实践教学工作,具有丰富的教育教学管理工作经验。在科研方面,主要以高职学生为研究主题,近年来主持校级课题2项,参与区级课题5项、院级课题4项,公开发表论文2篇,参与出版教材1部。指导学生参加自治区学生职业技能大赛获一等奖1项、参加自治区辅导员技能大赛获二等奖1项。

Liu Chang, Vice Dean of the School of Medicine & Health, graduate student in law, lecturer, in charge of practical teaching work in the college, with rich experience in education and teaching management. In terms of scientific research, the main focus is on vocational college students. In recent years, I have led 2 school level projects, participated in 5 district level projects, and 4 college level projects. I have published 2 public papers and participated in the publication of 1 textbook. Guiding students to participate in the Autonomous Region Student Vocational Skills Competition and winning one first prize, and participating in the Autonomous Region Counselor Skills Competition and winning one second prize.

 4 谭冠晖,男,硕士,正高级经济师,现任英国上市公司官网365副校长,分管学校国际交流与合作工作。曾多次参加广西壮族自治区重大课题的研究工作,主持或参与广西壮族自治区级规划,发表论文近30篇,主编或参与出版著作8本,撰写上报国家工信部、广西壮族自治区党委、政府及相关部门研究报告20多项。

Tan Guanhui, male, master's degree, senior economist, vice president of Guangxi Vocational & Technical Institute of Industry, responsible for international exchange and cooperation work at the school. I have participated in research on major projects in Guangxi Autonomous Region multiple times, led or participated in Guangxi Autonomous Region level planning, published nearly 30 papers, edited or participated in the publication of 8 works, and wrote and submitted more than 20 research reports to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, the Party Committee of Guangxi Autonomous Region, the government, and relevant departments.

 5 张波,讲师,药剂学硕士研究生,健康管理师,大学生心理辅导师,学校大学生创新创业导师。获2017年度、2018年度、2020年度校级优秀教师,2021年度优秀班主任,学生技能竞赛优秀指导教师等荣誉,主持完成教育厅科研课题1项,公开发表论文6篇;参编公开出版教材4部。

Zhang Bo, lecturer, master's student in pharmacy, health manager, college student psychological counselor, and school student innovation and entrepreneurship mentor. Received honors such as outstanding teacher at the school level in 2017, 2018, and 2020, outstanding homeroom teacher in 2021, and excellent guidance teacher in student skills competitions. Led and completed one scientific research project by the Department of Education, and publicly published six papers; Participated in the compilation and public publication of four textbooks.

 6 陶卿,高级工程师。现任英国上市公司官网365医药健康学院专任教师。主要从事药物制剂研究。参与过多个新兽药研究,已成功获得4个新兽药证书,主持南宁市科技科研项目4项,参与省级科研项目10余项。获得发明专利3项,实用新型专利5项;国内期刊发表论文总共10余篇;获得过南宁市科技进步二等奖1项。

Tao Qing, Senior Engineer. Currently serving as a full-time teacher at the School of Medicine and Health, Guangxi Vocational and Technical College of Industry. Mainly engaged in research on pharmaceutical preparations. I have participated in multiple new veterinary drug research projects and successfully obtained 4 new veterinary drug certificates. I have led 4 scientific and technological research projects in Nanning City and participated in more than 10 provincial-level research projects. Obtained 3 invention patents and 5 utility model patents; More than 10 papers have been published in domestic journals; Received one second prize for technological progress in Nanning City.

7 黄英,硕士研究生,讲师,从事职业教育一线工作,主讲科目为“中药药理学”和“中药化学”。指导学生参加广西职业院校技能大赛获得《健康与社会照护》赛项高职组三等奖1项,《养老服务技能》赛项高职组二等奖1项。

Huang Ying, a master's student and lecturer, is engaged in frontline work in vocational education. Her main subjects are "Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacology" and "Traditional Chinese Medicine Chemistry". Guide students to participate in the Guangxi Vocational College Skills Competition and win one third prize in the vocational group of the "Health and Social Care" competition, and one second prize in the vocational group of the "Elderly Care Service Skills" competition.

8 陈志英,广西医科大学卫生事业管理专业毕业,在职研究生学历,护理学副教授,具有高校教师资格,从事护理专业教学35年。曾任广西护理学会理事、常务理事,广西《基础护理学》教学研究会会长;曾任学校教务科科长、办公室主任、教学研究室主任等职务。具有国家职业技能鉴定养老护理、家政、育婴、美容考评资格。多次辅导选手参加全国、广西、南宁市组织的养老护理竞赛,并取得优异成绩。曾担任广西、南宁市人社、妇联、工会等组织的养老护理员竞赛的裁判、裁判长。

Chen Zhiying, graduated from Guangxi Medical University majoring in health management, holds an on-the-job postgraduate degree, is an associate professor of nursing, has the qualification of a college teacher, and has been engaged in nursing teaching for 35 years. He was the director and executive director of Guangxi Nursing Society, and the president of Guangxi Basic nursing Teaching Research Association; Formerly served as the head of the school's academic affairs department, director of the office, and director of the teaching and research department. Qualified for national vocational skills appraisal, elderly care, housekeeping, baby care, and beauty assessment. Assisted the contestants multiple times to participate in the national, Guangxi, and Nanning organized elderly care competitions, and achieved excellent results. I have served as the referee and presiding judge for competitions for elderly care workers organized by organizations such as the Human Resources and Social Security Commission, Women's Federation, and Trade Unions in Guangxi and Nanning.

9 Roque Capati,拉芬斯学院驻香港护理讲师,全球护理培训中心讲师,毕业于菲律宾圣拉萨尔大学社区护理 。

Roque Capati is a nursing lecturer at La Fence College in Hong Kong and a lecturer at the Global Nursing Training Center. He graduated from Community Nursing at the University of San Lazar in the Philippines.


