

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2023-06-05 17:09:45 浏览次数: 【字体:


Family caregiver team members

1 黄东,女,汉族,中共党员,教授,曾任英国上市公司官网365食品与生物工程系主任,现任英国上市公司官网365医药健康学院院长,发表论文11篇,主持及参与科研项目10项,参与专利3项。

Huang Dong, female, Han nationality, a member of the Communist Party of China, is a professor. She previously served as the Director of the Department of Food and Biotechnology at Guangxi Vocational & Technical Institute of Industry, and currently serves as the Dean of the School of Medicine & Health at Guangxi Vocational & Technical Institute of Industry. She has published 11 papers, led and participated in 10 scientific research projects, and participated in 3 patents.


2 潘勤春,高级工程师,硕士研究生,老年保健与管理及智慧健康养老服务与管理专业负责人。带领团队,指导学生参加广西职业院校技能大赛获得《健康与社会照护》赛项高职组三等奖7项,《养老服务技能》赛项高职组二等奖2项,三等奖2项。具有八年企业生产和研发实践经验,被评为广西北部湾经济区优秀中青年专业技术人才,主持市厅级科研项目2项,作为主要完成人或者核心骨干参与10余个省市级科研项目的研究及验收,获得国家发明专利授权3个。

Pan Qinchun, senior engineer, master's student, and professional leader in elderly care and management, as well as smart health and elderly care services and management. Led a team and guided students to participate in the Guangxi Vocational College Skills Competition, winning 7 third prizes in the vocational group of the "Health and Social Care" competition, 2 second prizes in the vocational group of the "Elderly Care Service Skills" competition, and 2 third prizes. With eight years of practical experience in enterprise production and research and development, awarded as an outstanding young and middle-aged professional technical talent in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, presided over two municipal level scientific research projects, participated in the research and acceptance of more than 10 provincial and municipal level scientific research projects as the main completion person or core backbone, and obtained three national invention patent authorizations.


3 刘昶,医药健康学院副院长,法学研究生,讲师,分管学院实践教学工作,具有丰富的教育教学管理工作经验。在科研方面,主要以高职学生为研究主题,近年来主持校级课题2项,参与区级课题5项、院级课题4项,公开发表论文2篇,参与出版教材1部。指导学生参加自治区学生职业技能大赛获一等奖1项、参加自治区辅导员技能大赛获二等奖1项。

Liu Chang, Vice Dean of the School of Medicine & Health, graduate student in law, lecturer, in charge of practical teaching work in the college, with rich experience in education and teaching management. In terms of scientific research, the main focus is on vocational college students. In recent years, I have led 2 school level projects, participated in 5 district level projects, and 4 college level projects. I have published 2 public papers and participated in the publication of 1 textbook. Guiding students to participate in the Autonomous Region Student Vocational Skills Competition and winning one first prize, and participating in the Autonomous Region Counselor Skills Competition and winning one second prize.


4 曾伟坚,文学硕士,副教授,主要从事国际教育教学管理工作。现任英国上市公司官网365国际教育学院院长,负责学校国际教育管理工作,统筹英国上市公司官网365申报广西教育厅主办的面向东盟国际化职业教育资源建设工作。参与撰写学校国际化办学工作的“十三五”总结、“十四五”规划及职业教育提质培优行动计划国际化办学部分。为英国上市公司官网365留学生讲授《对外汉语》课程。现主持在研2022年度广西职业教育教学改革研究项目重点项目《一带一路背景下高职教育国际化课程教学资源建设研究》,2021年广西教育科学规划课题高等教育国际化专项课题《后疫情时代广西高职教育国际化发展现状与对策研究》。公开发表论文近20篇,以独著身份在北大核心期刊发表论文2篇,省级优秀期刊上发表教育教学研究论文1篇。教育教学研究内容主要结合国内外企业、职业、学生等因素,最大限度地满足企业(行业)对应用型人才的要求为取向,确立能力本位为主导的课程体系、人才培养模式等,研究开发国际留学生课程、国际化技术技能培训课程。参与编制广西技能人才评价题库开发项目食糖制造工(煮糖助晶工)、白酒酿造工的题库开发。参与开发国际化课程1门,国际化培训资源包1个,国际化教材1门。参与的国际化课程、国际化培训资源包入选2022年广西面向东盟国际化职业教育资源建设项目。

Zeng Weijian, Master of Arts, associate professor, mainly engaged in international education and teaching management. The current Dean of the School of International Education at Guangxi Vocational & Technical Institute of Industry is responsible for the management of international education at the school, and coordinates the application of Guangxi Vocational & Technical Institute of Industry for the construction of international vocational education resources for ASEAN sponsored by the Guangxi Department of Education. Participated in writing the "13th Five Year Plan" summary, "14th Five Year Plan", and the international education section of the vocational education quality improvement and optimization action plan for the school's international education work. Teaching the course "Chinese as a Foreign Language" to international students at Guangxi Vocational & Technical Institute of Industry. Now, I am presiding over the key project of the 2022 Guangxi Vocational Education Teaching Reform Research Project "Research on the Construction of Teaching Resources for Internationalized Courses of Higher Vocational Education in the Context of the" the Belt and Road ", and the 2021 Guangxi Education Science Planning Project" Higher Education Internationalization Special Project "Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Internationalized Development of Guangxi Higher Vocational Education in the Post epidemic Era". I have published nearly 20 papers publicly, including 2 papers as an independent author in the core journals of Peking University and 1 paper on education and teaching research published in provincial-level excellent journals. The research content of education and teaching mainly combines factors such as domestic and foreign enterprises, professions, and students, aiming to meet the requirements of enterprises (industries) for applied talents to the greatest extent possible. It establishes a curriculum system and talent cultivation mode led by "ability oriented", and researches and develops international student retention courses and international technical skills training courses. Participated in the preparation of the development project of Guangxi skilled talents evaluation question bank of sugar manufacturers (sugar boiling and crystallization workers) and Baijiu brewers. Participated in the development of one international course, one international training resource package, and one international textbook. The international courses and training resource packages participated in were selected for the 2022 Guangxi ASEAN oriented International Vocational Education Resource Construction Project.


5 黄洁,女,外国语言学及应用语言学专业硕士,副教授,具体负责国际化职业教育资源建设及海外推广工作。参与撰写学校“十三五”总结、“十四五”规划及职业教育提质培优行动计划中的国际化办学部分。2022年参与国际化课程和国际化培训资源包的开发与建设,并入选2022年广西面向东盟国际化职业教育资源建设项目。

Huang Jie, female, master of foreign linguistics and applied linguistics, associate professor, is specifically responsible for the construction of international vocational education resources and overseas promotion. Participated in the writing of the school's "13th Five Year Plan" summary, "14th Five Year Plan", and the international education part of the vocational education quality improvement and excellence action plan. Participated in the development and construction of international courses and international training resource packages in 2022, and was selected for the 2022 Guangxi ASEAN oriented International Vocational Education Resource Construction Project.


6 张波,讲师,药剂学硕士研究生,健康管理师,大学生心理辅导师,学校大学生创新创业导师。获2017年度、2018年度、2020年度校级优秀教师,2021年度优秀班主任,学生技能竞赛优秀指导教师等荣誉,主持完成教育厅科研课题1项,公开发表论文6篇;参编公开出版教材4部。

Zhang Bo, lecturer, master's student in pharmacy, health manager, college student psychological counselor, and school student innovation and entrepreneurship mentor. Received honors such as outstanding teacher at the school level in 2017, 2018, and 2020, outstanding homeroom teacher in 2021, and excellent guidance teacher in student skills competitions. Led and completed one scientific research project by the Department of Education, and publicly published six papers; Participated in the compilation and public publication of four textbooks.


7 陶卿,高级工程师。现任英国上市公司官网365医药健康学院专任教师。主要从事药物制剂研究。参与过多个新兽药研究,已成功获得4个新兽药证书,主持南宁市科技科研项目4项,参与省级科研项目10余项。获得发明专利3项,实用新型专利5项;国内期刊发表论文总共10余篇;获得过南宁市科技进步二等奖1项。

Tao Qing, Senior Engineer. Currently serving as a full-time teacher at the School of Medicine and Health, Guangxi Vocational and Technical College of Industry. Mainly engaged in research on pharmaceutical preparations. I have participated in multiple new veterinary drug research projects and successfully obtained 4 new veterinary drug certificates. I have led 4 scientific and technological research projects in Nanning City and participated in more than 10 provincial-level research projects. Obtained 3 invention patents and 5 utility model patents; More than 10 papers have been published in domestic journals; Received one second prize for technological progress in Nanning City.


8 付兴丽,医药健康学院副院长,硕士研究生,副教授,毕业于四川大学化学学院有机化学专业。连续10年承担《有机化学》课程的教学工作,主持完成广西职业教育教学改革研究项目1项,广西教育厅科学研究项目1项,参与完成各级各类项目10余项,获得广西壮族自治区职业教育教学成果奖二等奖1项。主持广西课程思政示范课1门。

Fu Xingli, Vice Dean of the School of Medicine & Health, Master's degree, Associate Professor, graduated from the School of Chemistry, Sichuan University with a major in Organic Chemistry. For 10 consecutive years, I have undertaken the teaching work of the course "Organic Chemistry", led and completed 1 research project on teaching reform in Guangxi vocational education, 1 scientific research project of the Guangxi Department of Education, participated in and completed more than 10 projects at all levels and types, and won 1 second prize of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Vocational Education Teaching Achievement Award. Hosted one ideological and political demonstration course in Guangxi.


9 莫素梅,副教授、内科执业医生;国家职业资格高级家政服务员、高级育婴员、高级保育员、高级保健按摩师、二级营养师;国家职业资格家政服务员、养老护理员、保健按摩师考评员。广西第一至第七届农民工大赛柳州市育婴员参赛选手指导老

Mo Sumei, Associate Professor and Internal Medicine Practitioner; National Professional Qualification Senior Housekeeping Attendant, Senior Infant Nurse, Senior Nurse, Senior Health Massager, Grade II dietitian; National Professional Qualification as a Domestic Attendant, Elderly Care Attendant, and Health Massage Assessor. The 1st to 7th Guangxi Migrant Workers' Competition Liuzhou Nurse Contest Guide for Contestants



Wu Yan works at Guangxi Feizhong Education Technology Co., Ltd. Guangxi Human Resources and Social Security Vocational Training Lecturer, National Vocational Qualification Senior Elderly Care Attendant, Senior Maternal and Child Care Attendant, and Infant Care Attendant. He has won the second prize of the Infant Care Attendant Project in the 7th Vocational Skills Competition in Yufeng District, Liuzhou City, the second prize of the Maternal and Child Care Attendant Project in the 7th Migrant Worker Skills Competition in Liuzhou City, and a contestant from Liuzhou in the Maternal and Child Care Attendant Project in the 7th Migrant Worker Skills Competition in the Autonomous Region


